an initiative aimed to promote equality and women leadership in international arbitration
Many questions arise at the outset of a career path, especially in such a complex field as dispute resolution. What skills should be honed? How to communicate your position clearly and persuasively in procedural documents? What should one avoid in oral presentations? These and like questions cross the mind of every aspiring dispute resolution lawyer.

To assist young professionals in finding answers, we are launching a new project – #RWAnswers – now you can ask your questions and RWA, together with experienced dispute resolution lawyers and other specialists, will answer them.

Asking questions and getting answers is an integral part of growth. If you want to ask a question, please submit a form below. We look forward to your inquiries and will be happy to share valuable advice with you.

Answered by:
• Marina Akchurina, independent counsel in her private legal practice, founder and expert in her own online educational school on negotiations AkchurinaOnline and an owner of the Telegram сhannel “Marina Akchurina | Negotiations with the Wolves”
• Olga Fedorova, clinical psychologist at a behavioral therapy center
Answered by:
• Margarita Drobyshevskaya, Case Counsel at the Russian Arbitration Center (RAC) and Member of the RWA Steering Committee
• Victoria Khandrimaylo, Counsel at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)
Answered by:
• Olga Fedorova, clinical psychologist at a behavioral therapy center
• Valeriya Grebenkova, Associate at Gherson Solicitors LLP (London)
Ask your question

*prohibited in Russia